Task Sequences Seminar Well Received!
Our "Maximizing Success" anniversary seminar series, jointly held with the Organization for Autism Research was concluded on October 3, 2011 with "Task Sequences for Independence". [...]
Registration Now Open for October 3rd Seminar with OAR
"Maximizing Success: Task Sequences for Independence" Monday, October 3, 2011 (6-8 pm). Dinner served. Register at: http://www.researchautism.org/news/otherevents/TaskSequences.asp Cost: $15/ advance and $25/ at door. See [...]
Behavioral Directions Welcomes GMU Intern
We warmly welcome our first intern (Ms. Kate Paul) to Behavioral Directions, LLC. Ms. Paul is completing a practicum focused on applied behavior analysis [...]
BD/ OAR Seminar (Oct 3, 2011): Using Task Sequences to Teach Independence
To mark their shared 10 year anniversary of service to the autism community, Behavioral Directions LLC and the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) present a [...]
Outcome Based IEP Goals Seminar hosted by OAR and BD, LLC on April 26, 2011
Seminar #1: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Outcome Based IEP Goals This workshop will present a brief overview of the IEP process, address the importance of [...]
Accessibility Summit 2011 – Visit our Resource Booth
Visis us at the Accessibility Summit held April 1-2, 2011 at McLean Bible Church as we share information on our services and answer questions to support [...]
Dr. Barbin to Present at the Commonwealth Autism Service Annual Conference
Dr. Barbin will present on March 9, 2011 (Wednesday) on Behavioral Consultation for Individuals with ASD: Maximizing Success at the 10th Annual Commonwealth Autism Service [...]
Dr. Barbin to Present at New Jersey Autism Professional Workshop Series
Dr. Barbin to present at the Autism New Jersey Professional Workshop Series on May 16, 2011.