ABA Sessions in Our Clinic (Herndon) Now Available!
Now offering quality ABA services in our clinic! To better meet the needs of our families, we now offer 2 hour office sessions (2 [...]
Now offering quality ABA services in our clinic! To better meet the needs of our families, we now offer 2 hour office sessions (2 [...]
Our Executive Functioning - Unstuck and On Target!© Flexibility and Problem Solving Group is underway. We are maintaining an interest list for future groups. This [...]
Dr. Barbin will present an invited workshop on "Raising the Bar: Professional and Ethical Behavior in Applied Practice" at the Missouri Association for Behavior [...]
Now enrolling for our Fall 2016 Unstuck and On Target! Flexibility Group (Starts 8/26) in Herndon. Do you know someone who gets stuck and is [...]